fluffy gray and white cat
Performing this procedure can increase the chances of seeing your pet again if it is ever lost.

Pet microchipping is a quick and easy procedure that could save your pet's life if they're ever lost or stolen.

Getting a microchip takes just seconds and provides a lifetime of protection. Of the millions of animals who enter shelters each year, only a small percentage is ever reunited with their owners. Having your furry friend chipped boosts the odds of seeing them again if they ever go missing. We perform pet microchipping for cats and dogs in Garland at Club Hill Animal Clinic, and we recommend this procedure for nearly all of our patients.
group of veterinarians microchipping cat


Despite common misconceptions, pet microchips do not store any information. Instead, each one has an identification number. Once registered in a pet microchip database, this number is linked to an online account containing your information. When pets enter shelters or are picked up by animal control, someone scans them to check for a microchip. If one is detected, the scanner will display the identification number. They can use this number to access your contact information.

Having your pet microchipped is a non-surgical procedure. Since the chip is only about the size of a grain of uncooked rice, our veterinary team at Club Hill Animal Clinic injects it with a syringe. There's no need for stitches or any downtime following the procedure. We can insert your pet's microchip during a routine spay, neuter, or dental cleaning for a pain-free process or perform the insertion during a regular exam. Your pet can resume their normal daily activities immediately after leaving the clinic.


At Club Hill Animal Clinic, we know that pet microchipping is one of the most reliable methods for securing your pet's safety. Unlike collars or tags, which can fall off or be removed, pet microchips provide a permanent form of identification that stays with your pet for life. However, the effectiveness of a microchip depends entirely on the accuracy of the contact information linked to it. We urge all pet owners to promptly update their information in the microchip database whenever there is a change in address or phone number. Keeping your contact details current is crucial; it ensures you can be reunited with your pet as quickly as possible if they get lost. Remember, a pet microchip is only as good as the information it carries; maintaining up-to-date records is key to making the most of this essential service.
group of veterinarians microchipping cat


For pet microchipping in Garland, trust the Club Hill Animal Clinic team. Call now to schedule an appointment.

Club Hill Animal Clinic performs pet microchipping for dogs and cats in Garland, Mesquite, Rowlett, Richardson, and Plano.
miniature schnauzer dog

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Mon: 8am - 8pm
Tue - Fri: 8am - 6pm
Sat: 8am - 4pm
Sun: 10am-4pm


3339 Broadway Blvd, Garland, TX, 75043