Pet radiology is a process in which radiation is used to capture detailed images of a patient's internal structures. Modern digital pet X-ray equipment minimizes radiation exposure, making the procedure safer for pets of all ages. Today's radiology equipment also produces detailed images in seconds, and we can easily manipulate those images to get a better view. And since they're digital, we can quickly share pet radiographs with other veterinary professionals when needed.
At Club Hill Animal Clinic, we use pet X-rays to examine the bones and ligaments and diagnose injuries, osteoarthritis, bladder stones, and many other conditions. Our team also uses them to assess the position, shape, and size of several organs, including the heart and lungs.
At Club Hill Animal Clinic, we use pet X-rays to examine the bones and ligaments and diagnose injuries, osteoarthritis, bladder stones, and many other conditions. Our team also uses them to assess the position, shape, and size of several organs, including the heart and lungs.